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Rose Bouquet in Dusky - by Sevenberry Fabrics


A larger sized Rose Bouquet, on an unbleached base cloth, in a Dusky lavender colour way. Accents in various lavender shades. This versatile fabric would suit fussy cutting, applique, quilt piecing, quilt backings, zipper pouches, garments or other sewing projects.


Order by the half-metre by entering the number of half-metres in the quantity box. All fabric is cut in one continuous piece. Example: 2 = 1 metre, 4 = 2 metres and so on.


Any shipping overcharge will be refunded.


Colours are represented as accurately as possible, however, due to differences in screen settings, lighting and photography, colours may differ slightly between images and the physical product.

Rose Bouquet in Dusky (by Sevenberry Fabrics)

PriceFrom $8.00
  • Sublime Stitchery always recommends handwashing with mild, bleach-free detergent, like Soak and hang-dry all cotton fabrics for best results. If machine washing is your preferred method, we suggest using a mild, bleach-free detergent (like Soak) in cold water with like colours on a gentle cycle. Dry on a low-heat tumble setting to minimise shrinkage.

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